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Custom Rom Oppo Find Muse For Evercoss A7S*

Custom Rom Oppo Find Muse For Evercoss A7S*

Ini dia nih cusrom yang ane suka salah satunya yaa oppo find muse. Cusrom ini selain rada ringan tetapi juga memiliki tampilan yang memuaskan juga. Penasaran kan? Silahkan coba cusrom nya. Tetapi sebelumnya anda baca dulu fitur-fitur dari cusrom ini.


  • Rooted
  • Smooth
  • Add Init.d 
  • Tweak
  • Odex Rom (More Saving Battery)
  • Delete Some APK Like Games, Facebook
  • Splash Screen Official OPPO & CJ Logo (Edited)
  • Boot Logo For All CreditsBoot Animation Official OPPO
  • Multy Language
  • Dual 3G
  • Nice UI

Bugs Cusrom:

  • Select Font In Setting Crashed


Cara Install:

  1. Go To CWM
  2. 3 Wipes ( Data, Cache, Dalvik Cache)
  3. Select Install Zip From SD Card
  4. Select OFM v1

Tips Agar Suara Lebih Nyaring:

  1. Go to Engineer Mode (*#*#3646633#*#*)
  2. swipe to Harware Testing tabs
  3. Select Audio
  4. Select Normal Mode
  5. Select Media on Type
  6. Change Value to 160, click SET
  7. Change Max Vol. to 160, click SET
  8. Go Back, Select LoudSpeaker Mode
  9. Select Ring on Type
  10. Change Value to 120, click SET
  11. Change Max Vol. to 160, click SET
  12. Select Media On Type
  13. Change Value to 160, click SET
  14. Change Max Value to 160, Click SET
  15. Go back, select Audio Logger
  16. Click Dump Audio Debug Info
  17. Reboot

Cara Mengaktifkan Performance Tweak:

  1. Open Root Explore
  2. Go to System/etc/init.d
  3. Change all permission on init.d folder to rw-r--r--
  4. Reboot

Custom Rom Oppo Find Muse For Evercoss A7S*

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